The environment in which we live is the product of three major forces - the car, the computer and the desk job, combined with easy access to plentiful food - all of which create a world in which our bodies , which have evolved to live in a different world in which work was hard and food was scarce, are at risk. There is a mismatch between our bodies and the environment and Daniel Lieberman has described the effects of that in his classic book on evolution in the following way
1. For the foreseeable future, people will continue to get sick
from mismatch diseases.
2. Future advancements in medical science will continue to
improve our ability to diagnose and treat the symptoms of
mismatch diseases but will not devise many actual cures.
3. Efforts to educate people about diet, nutrition, and other
ways to promote health will have limited effects on their
behavior in current environments.
Lieberman, D. (2014) The Story Of The Human Body. Penguin Books. (p. 359).
We need to change the environment as well as giving people information and encouragement
The environment in which we live is the product of three major forces - the car, the computer and the desk job, combined with easy access to plentiful food - all of which create a world in which our bodies , which have evolved to live in a different world in which work was hard and food was scarce, are at risk. There is a mismatch between our bodies and the environment and Daniel Lieberman has described the effects of that in his classic book on evolution in the following way
1. For the foreseeable future, people will continue to get sick
from mismatch diseases.
2. Future advancements in medical science will continue to
improve our ability to diagnose and treat the symptoms of
mismatch diseases but will not devise many actual cures.
3. Efforts to educate people about diet, nutrition, and other
ways to promote health will have limited effects on their
behavior in current environments.
Lieberman, D. (2014) The Story Of The Human Body. Penguin Books. (p. 359).
We need to change the environment as well as giving people information and encouragement