d. Living healthily with a disease, or more than one
e. Having a good death as well as a good life
4. How an individual can best cope with old age
- Understanding ageing and growing old
- The two phases of life.
- Cellular and molecular changes
- The search for an Elixir of Life
- The effects of ageing and how to cope with them
- Growing old
- The effects of biological ageing
- Staying fit and getting fitter
- The fitness gap
- The four dimensions of physical fitness
- Strength
- Stamina
- Suppleness
- Skill
- The fifth dimension
- Closing the fitness gap at any age
- Improving mental fitness
- Resisting social pressure to reduce activity
- Ageing is not a major cause of disease
- Ageing, life-style and the environment as causes of disease
- It’s never too late for prevention
- Immunisation
- Risk factor reduction
d. Living healthily with a disease, or more than one
e. Having a good death as well as a good life
4. How an individual can best cope with old age